Market Value Analysis for Stereo systems, AV receivers & components

The sales opportunity for a (used) item in this category is .
On average, a sales price of earned.

The more precisely the offers considered correspond to your device, the more accurate the calculated price is:
Select the brand of your device and enter specific device features in the Text search field. Then only the devices with which your search term appears in the eBay offer will be taken into account.

No or inaccurate results? Here are tips!
Maybe another category will give better results (for example: 'Computer ...' instead 'Smartphone, PDA ...'). Do you have doubts about the brand? Than try another search with an option 'All brands'. There is no exact match? Try search with part of the name (instead 'AE 5250/12' search for 5250 or for AE).
Check out the sample offers at the bottom of the page to see what you can search for.
Average sales price
Sold & not sold devices
Click on a row in the table to see sample offers.
Sample offers
Check out the latest 20 eBay auctions for your search, separated for new, used and broken. You can load more data below. Green prices are sold, black prices are unsold devices. Auctions where multiple devices were offered appear here only once. As a result, each device counts individually.

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Name Price Condition Date

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